On an early Friday morning, we met Brady and Christina at one of our favorite hikes in Boulder, CO for a sunrise wildflower session. Driving to this hike, I reminisced on memories I have of Brady and Christina.
This is the third time Brady and Christina were in front of our camera's and each time he left us in laughter over his haughty antics. The first time, was for holiday photos at chautauqua park in Boulder, CO where he rummaged through my backpack for antler headbands and carried one around for 5 minutes, forcing Christina to chase him to get it back. Julie and I stood giggling, and IDK if Christina knows this, but we lovingly referred to him as our favorite naughty golden from that point on.
The second time was when we were photographing some dog treats at Sloan's Lake Park in Denver, CO. Brady had us giggling when he grabbed an entire turkey neck with the plastic still on and refusing to let go. The enthusiasm for the treat was HIGH.
Christina has a method for retrieving things from Brady's mouth, and during our last shoot together, she told us about a burrito wrapped in tin foil Brady found on the streets of Denver.
About five minutes into our shoot, Brady decided it was time to roll in the mud. He stood up, filthy and Christina laughed and said "well this is him! I want to remember him begging, muddy and happy."
There were so many special things about this session. "I'm glad his fur is wet; I love when they get crimpy and frizzy," Christina said as Brady walked through the tall, wet grass. I couldn't help but notice one of Christina's earrings was a "B" not a letter she has in her name. We hugged in the parking lot at the end, and tearfully, I couldn't pull away from hugging Brady at the end.
Brady and Christina, this last session with you is one I'll remember forever. Brady will forever have the title of our "favorite naughty golden."