Mochi quickly stole the hearts of Julie and I. Mochi, a nine year old rescue, sled kennel bred husky mix was adopted by Sarah and quickly kept her busy. “He’s a working dog!” Sarah told us, and she has given him the exercise and enrichment he needs since adopting him.
Sports called “Ski-jouring” and “Bike-jouring” consist of the dogs and their human working together to race, the dog pulling, using their natural instinct to run as fast as they can with you.
Hearing about all the activities Sarah does with Mochi made our hearts so full. Committing to giving a high energy dog a fully enriched life is a HUGE job that Sarah met with the ferocity of a husky. From ranching to ultra marathon running, Mochi leads Sarah on epic adventures together. You can see how much trust these two have in each other from working together in so many different ways.
They find us. The dogs we need, the ones that need us. They have a way of finding us. And this dream team found each other. You can see it in the way they look at each other in these photos.
Sarah and Mochi’s session is one I’ll remember forever <3